
Resistance Served

Sunday, February 2nd - Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

Resistance Served is an annual three and a half day symposium-style food, beverage and hospitality conference in New Orleans, LA.

This is a gathering of bar and restaurant folks from chefs, to writers, bartenders, distillers, creators and beyond to celebrate and contextualize the contributions of Black and African-American peoples to the hospitality world

Check out more information about Resistance Served 2020 panels, discussions, cocktail events and dinners click here!

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Resistance Served : Dinner Series

Sunday, February 2nd, 2020

Accompanying Resistance Served symposium is a more intimately formatted series of dinners, hosted by esteemed chefs, sommeliers, and beverage directors. This year Honeysuckle Pop-up by Omar Tate will be hosting our Opening Dinner Series at Race and Religious.

Check out more information about our dinner hosted by Omar Tate of Honeysuckle click here!


Our 2020 Beverage Partners and Sponsors